Getting started

This short introduction will guide you through the first steps of using Plaquette.

We also recommend watching our introductory video tutorial series.

Introduction to Plaquette video tutorial series

Step 1: Install Plaquette

If you do not have Arduino installed on your machine you need to download and install the Arduino IDE for your platform.

Once Arduino is installed, please install Plaquette as an Arduino library following these instructions.

Step 2: Your first Plaquette program

We will begin by creating a simple program that will make the built-in LED on your microcontroller blink.

Create a new sketch

Create a new empty sketch by selecting File > New.

IMPORTANT: New Arduino sketches are initialized with some “slug” starting code. Make sure to erase the content of the sketch before beginning. You can use Edit > Select All and then click Del or Backspace.

Include library

Include the Plaquette library by typing:

#include <Plaquette.h>

Create an output unit

Now, we will create a new unit that will allow us to control the built-in LED:

DigitalOut myLed(13);

In this statement, DigitalOut is the type of unit that we are creating. There also exists other types of units, which will be described later. DigitalOut is a type of software unit that can represent one of the many hardware pins for digital output on the Arduino board. One way to think about this is that the DigitalOut is a “virtual” version of the Arduino pin. These can be set to one of two states: (“on/off”, “high/low”, “1/0”).

The word myLed is a name for the object we are creating.

Finally, 13 is a parameter of the object myLed that specifies the hardware pin that it corresponds to on the board. In English, the statement would thus read as: “Create a unit named myLed of type DigitalOut on pin 13.”


Most Arduino boards have a pin connected to an on-board LED in series with a resistor and on most boards, this LED is connected to digital pin 13. The constant LED_BUILTIN is the number of the pin to which the on-board LED is connected.

Create an input unit

We will now create another unit that will generate a signal which will be sent to the LED to make it blink. To this effect, we will use the SquareWave unit type which generates a square wave oscillating between “on/high/one” and “off/low/zero” at a regular period of 2.0 seconds:

SquareWave myWave(2.0);

Create the begin() function

Each Plaquette sketch necessitates the declaration of two functions: begin() and step().

Function begin() is called only once at the beginning of the sketch (just like the setup() function in Arduino). For our first program, we do not need to perform any special configuration at startup so we will leave the begin() function empty:

void begin() {}

Create the step() function

The step() function is called repetitively and indefinitely during the course of the program (like the loop() function in Arduino).

Here, we will send the signal generated by the myWave input unit to the myLed output unit. We will do this by using Plaquette’s special >> operator:

void step() {
  myWave >> myLed;

In plain English, the statement myWave >> myLed reads as: “Take the value generated by myWave and put it in myLed.”

Upload sketch

Upload your sketch to the Arduino board. You should see the LED on the board blinking once every two seconds at a regular pace.

Et voilà!

Full code

#include <Plaquette.h>

DigitalOut myLed(13);

SquareWave myWave(2.0);

void begin() {}

void step() {
  myWave >> myLed;

Step 3 : Experiment!

So far so good. Let’s see if we can push this a bit further.

Change initial parameters of a unit

The SquareWave unit type provides two parameters when it is created that allows you to configure the oscillator’s behavior. Both are optional: if not specified, they will take default values.

SquareWave myWave(period, width);
  • period can be any positive number representing the period of oscillation (in seconds)

  • width can be any number between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%), and represents the proportion of the period during which the signal is “high” (ie. “on duty”) (default: 0.5)


We call this step the construction or instantiation of the object myWave.


Try changing the first parameter (period) in the square oscillator unit to change the period of oscillation.

  • SquareWave myWave(1.0); for a period of one second

  • SquareWave myWave(2.5); for a period of 2.5 seconds

  • SquareWave myWave(10.0); for a period of 10 seconds

  • SquareWave myWave(0.5); for a period of half a second (500 milliseconds)


Don’t forget to re-upload the sketch after each change.

Now try adding a second parameter (width) to control the oscillator’s width. For a fixed period, try changing the duty cycle to different percentages between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • SquareWave myWave(2.0, 0.5); for a width of 50% (default)

  • SquareWave myWave(2.0, 0.25); for a width of 25%

  • SquareWave myWave(2.0, 0.75); for a width of 75%

  • SquareWave myWave(2.0, 0.9); for a width of 90%


Change parameters of a unit during runtime

What if we wanted to change the parameters of the oscillator during runtime rather than just at the beginning? The SquareWave unit type allows real-time modification of its parameters by calling one of its functions using the . (dot) operator.

For example, to change the period, simply call the following inside the step() function:

void step() {
  myWave >> myLed;

Of course, to accomplish our goal, we need a way to change the value newPeriod during runtime. We can accomplish this in many different ways, but let’s try something simple: we will use another wave to modulate our wave’s period.

For this, we will be using another kind of source called a SineWave and will use its outputs to change the period of myWave.

SineWave myModulator(20.0);

This wave will oscillate smoothly from 0 to 1 every 20 seconds.

void step() {
  myWave >> myLed;

Upload the sketch and you should see the LED blinking as before, with the difference that the blinking speed will now change from blinking very fast (in fact, infinitely fast, with a period of zero seconds!) to very slow (period of 20 seconds).


If you want to visualize the values of both waves on your computer, you can print them on the serial port one after the other, separated by a space. Add the following code to your step() function:

print(" ");

Then, launch the Arduino Serial Plotter by selecting in in Tools > Serial Plotter.

Now try modulating the width of myWave instead of its period:


Use a button

Now let’s try to do some very simple interactivity by using a simple switch or button. For this we will be using the internal pull-up resistor available on Arduino boards for a very simple circuit. One leg of the button should be connected to ground (GND) while the other should be connected to digital pin 2.


If you do not have a button or switch, you can just use two electric wires: one connected to ground (GND) and the other one to digital pin 2. When you want to press the button, simply touch the wires together to close the circuit.

Declare the button unit with the other units at the top of your sketch:

DigitalIn myButton(2, INTERNAL_PULLUP);

You will notice that the type of this unit (DigitalIn) resembles that of our LED-controlling unit (DigitalOut). This is because both units have something in common: they have only two states: either on or off, high or low, true or false, one or zero, hence the adjective Digital. However, while the LED is considered an output or actuator (Out) our button is rather an input or sensor (In).


If you are curious, you might also want to know that there is an AnalogIn and an AnalogOut types which support sensors and actuators that work with continuous values between 0 and 1 (0% to 100%).

Now, let’s use this button as a way to control whether the LED blinks or not. For this, we will need to use the value of the button as part of a condition for an if…else statement.

void step() {
  if (myButton)
    myWave >> myLed;
    0 >> myLed;

Full code

#include <Plaquette.h>

DigitalOut myLed(13);

SquareWave myWave(2.0);

SineWave myModulator(20.0);

DigitalIn myButton(2, INTERNAL_PULLUP);

void begin() {}

void step() {

  if (myButton)
    myWave >> myLed;
    0 >> myLed;

Learning More

Built-in Examples

You will find more examples here or directly from the Arduino software in File > Examples > Plaquette including:

  • Using analog inputs such as a photocells or potentiometers

  • Using analog outputs

  • Serial input and output

  • Using wave generators

  • Time management

  • Ramps

  • Basic filtering (smoothing, re-scaling)

  • Peak detection

  • Event-driven programming

  • Controlling servomotors

The Plaquette Reference

The online reference can be accessed here or directly from the sidebar of the Plaquette website. It provides detailed technical documentation for every available unit and function in Plaquette. This reference serves as a go-to resource for understanding the specifics of each component, including their parameters, methods, and behavior.

Here are the key sections of the reference:

What’s Next?

With the basics covered, you are now ready to dive deeper into Plaquette’s capabilities. Explore the rest of the guide to learn about specific features and advanced techniques:

  • Inputs and Outputs: Learn how to use Plaquette to handle a variety of inputs and outputs, including analog, digital, and specialized sensors or actuators.

  • Generating Waveforms: Understand the different types of wave generators available and how they can be used for oscillatory or periodic behavior.

  • Working with Time: Delve into Plaquette’s timing management units to handle scheduling and time-based logic in your projects.

  • Regularizing Signals: Discover methods for automatically scaling and normalizing signals amd respond to peaks.

  • Managing Events: Trigger actions, schedule events and manage parallel loops using event-driven programming.