
A digital (ie. binary) output unit that can be switched “on” or “off”.

The unit is assigned to a specific pin on the board.

The mode specifies the behavior of the component attached to the pin:

  • in DIRECT mode (default) the pin acts as the source of current and the component is “on” when the pin is “high” (Vcc, typically 5V)

  • in INVERTED mode the source of current is external (Vcc) and the component is “on” when the pin is “low” (GND)


Switches off an LED connected in “sink” mode after a timeout.

#include <Plaquette.h>

DigitalOut led(13, INVERTED);

void begin() {

void step() {
  // Switch the LED off after 5 seconds.
  if (seconds() > 5);


class DigitalOut : public DigitalSource, public PinUnit

A generic class representing a simple digital output.

Public Functions

DigitalOut(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode = DIRECT)


  • pin – the pin number

  • mode – the mode (DIRECT or INVERTED)

virtual void mode(uint8_t mode)

Changes the mode of the component.

void rawWrite(int value)

Write HIGH or LOW value to the pin.

inline virtual bool isOn()

Returns true iff the input is “on”.

inline virtual bool rose()

Returns true if the value rose.

inline virtual bool fell()

Returns true if the value fell.

inline virtual bool changed()

Returns true if the value changed.

inline virtual bool toggle()

Switches between on and off.

inline virtual int8_t changeState()

Difference between current and previous value of the unit.

inline virtual void onRise(EventCallback callback)

Registers event callback on rise event.

inline virtual void onFall(EventCallback callback)

Registers event callback on fall event.

inline virtual void onChange(EventCallback callback)

Registers event callback on change event.

inline virtual bool isOff()

Returns true iff the input is “off”.

inline virtual int getInt()

Returns value as integer (0 or 1).

inline virtual float get()

Returns value as float (either 0.0 or 1.0).

inline virtual bool on()

Sets output to “on” (ie. true, 1).

inline virtual bool off()

Sets output to “off” (ie. false, 0).

inline virtual float put(float value)

Pushes value into the unit.


value – the value sent to the unit


the new value of the unit

inline uint8_t pin() const

Returns the pin this component is attached to.

inline uint8_t mode() const

Returns the mode of the component.

See Also