
An analog (ie. continuous) input unit that returns values between 0 and 1 (ie. 0% and 100%).

The unit is assigned to a specific pin on the board.

The mode specifies the behavior of the component attached to the pin:

  • in DIRECT mode (default) the value is expressed as a percentage of the reference voltage (Vref, typically 5V)

  • in INVERTED mode the value is inverted (ie. 0V corresponds to 100% while 2.5V corresponds to 50%).


Control an LED using a potentiometer.

#include <Plaquette.h>

AnalogIn potentiometer(A0);

AnalogOut led(9);

SineOsc oscillator;

void begin() {}

void step() {
  // The analog input controls the frequency of the LED's oscillation.
  oscillator.frequency(potentiometer.mapTo(2.0, 10.0));
  oscillator >> led;


class AnalogIn : public Node, public PinUnit, public Smoothable

A generic class representing a simple analog input.

Public Functions

AnalogIn(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode = DIRECT)


  • pin – the pin number

  • mode – the mode (DIRECT or INVERTED)

inline virtual float get()

Returns value in [0, 1].

virtual float mapTo(float toLow, float toHigh)

Maps value to new range.

inline uint8_t pin() const

Returns the pin this component is attached to.

inline uint8_t mode() const

Returns the mode of the component.

inline virtual void mode(uint8_t mode)

Changes the mode of the component.

inline virtual void smooth(float smoothTime = PLAQUETTE_DEFAULT_SMOOTH_WINDOW)

Apply smoothing to object.

inline virtual void noSmooth()

Remove smoothing.

inline virtual void cutoff(float hz)

Changes the smoothing window cutoff frequency (expressed in Hz).

inline float cutoff() const

Returns the smoothing window cutoff frequency (expressed in Hz).


If the analog input pin is not connected to anything, the value returned by get() will fluctuate based on a number of factors (e.g. the values of the other analog inputs, how close your hand is to the board, etc.).

See Also