
Smooths the incoming signal by removing fast variations and noise (high frequencies).



Smooth a sensor over time.

#include <Plaquette.h>

AnalogIn sensor(A0);

// Smooths over time window of 10 seconds.
Smoother smoother(10.0);

StreamOut serialOut(Serial);

void begin() {}

void step() {
  // Smooth value and send it to serial output.
  sensor >> smoother >> serialOut;


The filter uses an exponential moving average which corresponds to a form of low-pass filter.


class Smoother : public Unit, public MovingAverage

Simple moving average transform filter.

Public Functions

Smoother(float timeWindow = PLAQUETTE_DEFAULT_SMOOTH_WINDOW)



factor – a parameter in [0, 1] representing the importance of new values as opposed to old values (ie. lower smoothing factor means more smoothing)

virtual float put(float value)

Pushes value into the unit.


value – the value sent to the unit


the new value of the unit

inline virtual float get()

Returns smoothed value.

void timeWindow(float seconds)

Changes the smoothing window (expressed in seconds).

inline float timeWindow() const

Returns the smoothing window (expressed in seconds).

void cutoff(float hz)

Changes the smoothing window cutoff frequency (expressed in Hz).

float cutoff() const

Returns the smoothing window cutoff frequency (expressed in Hz).

See Also