An analog unit that counts time in seconds. It can be started, stopped, paused, and resumed.
Uses a chronometer to change the frequency a blinking LED. Restarts after 10 seconds.
#include <Plaquette.h>
Chronometer chrono;
DigitalOut led(13);
SquareOsc osc(1.0); // a square oscillator
void begin() {
chrono.start(); // start chrono
void step() {
// Adjust oscillator's duty cycle according to current timer progress.
// Apply oscillator to LED state.
osc >> led;
// If the chronometer reaches 10 seconds: restart it.
if (chrono >= 10.0)
// Restarts the chronometer.
class Chronometer : public Unit, public AbstractChronometer
Public Functions
inline virtual float get()
Returns elapsed time since start (in seconds).
virtual void start()
Starts/restarts the chronometer.
virtual void stop()
Interrupts the chronometer and resets to zero.
virtual void pause()
Interrupts the chronometer.
virtual void resume()
Resumes process.
inline virtual float elapsed() const
The time currently elapsed by the chronometer (in seconds).
virtual void set(float time)
Forces current time (in seconds).
virtual void add(float time)
Adds/subtracts time to the chronometer.
inline bool isRunning() const
Returns true iff the chronometer is currently running.