Generating Waves

In this section, we will explore waves (also called oscillators), essential tools for creating dynamic and expressive media. Oscillators generate repeating waveforms, which can control various outputs such as LEDs or motors. We will also learn how to visualize signals and shape different kinds of waveforms. We will then introduce combining different waves together, either by adding them or through modulation. Finally, we will look at how to use randomness to generate noisy waveforms that feel more natural.


To follow along with the examples, set up a simple circuit:

  • A potentiometer connected to A0 to control proprties dynamically.

  • A button connected to pin 2 with an internal pull-up resistor to trigger actions.

  • An LED connected to pin 9 (PWM capable) through a 330 \(\Omega\) resistor.

Visualizing Waves with the Serial Plotter

In this section, we will use serial communication to send data from our Arduino board to our PC so as to visualize the waves in real time. The print() and println() functions allow you to send data to the serial, which is invaluable for debugging and visualizing data. They will provide a way to graphically observe how wave properties like amplitude, phase, or frequency affect the output.

Single Signal

To visualize the data, open the Serial Plotter in the Arduino IDE. The Serial Plotter can graphically display waveforms by interpreting each printed value as a separate line on the graph, making it an invaluable tool to visualize signals such as sensor values and waveforms.

Example: Print the value of the potentiometer:

#include <Plaquette.h>

AnalogIn pot(A0); // The potentiometer

void begin() {}

void step() {
  println(pot); // Print the potentiometer value and ends the line

Multiple Signals

For multiple waveforms, print their values separated by spaces in a single line, followed by a newline using println().

Example: Print the value of the potentiometer and a sine wave:

#include <Plaquette.h>

AnalogIn pot(A0);   // Potentiometer input
SineWave wave(2.0); // Sine wave with period of 2 seconds

void begin() {}

void step() {
  print(wave);  // Print wave value
  print(" ");   // Print white space
  println(pot); // Print the potentiometer value and ends the line

Types of Waves

Plaquette provides 3 types of waves:

  • SquareWave: Alternates between two levels with sharp transitions. Useful for creating rhythmic on-off patterns such as blinking LEDs or simple tone generators for buzzers. Possesses some properties of digital units.

  • TriangleWave: Smoothly transitions between two levels in a linear fashion. By varying the width of the wave, you can create a sawtooth wave (width = 0) or an inverted sawtooth wave (width = 1). This is ideal for simulating ramping motions or gradual changes in brightness.

  • SineWave: Produces a sinusoidal waveform for smoother modulation. Commonly used for creating natural, flowing transitions, such as smooth dimming or speed control.

You can visualize these waves on the Serial Plotter by streaming their values.

Example: Display different waves for comparison:

#include <Plaquette.h>

// Three wave types.
SquareWave square(1.0);
TriangleWave triangle(1.0);
SineWave sine(1.0);

void begin() {}

void step() {
  // Print all wave values separated by spaces
  print(square); print(" ");
  print(triangle); print(" ");

Wave Properties

Oscillators are defined by their phase, period, frequency, amplitude, and width. Let us explore these properties and their corresponding functions:

  • phase(): Sets the initial point in the wave cycle (in range [0, 1]).

  • period(): Sets the duration of one cycle in seconds.

  • frequency(): Inverse of period; sets the cycles per second (Hz).

  • bpm(): Alternative way to set the frequency using beats per minute (BPM).

  • amplitude(): Sets the peak level of the wave (as % of max) (in range [0, 1]);

  • width(): Controls the balance between the rising and falling portions of the wave cycle (in range [0, 1]). For each wave type, this property has a specific effect:

    • For SquareWave, it adjusts the duty cycle (the ratio of ON to OFF time).

    • For TriangleWave, it determines whether the wave skews towards a sawtooth (width = 0) or inverted sawtooth (width = 1).

    • For SineWave, it shifts the inflection points of the wave, altering its symmetry.

Initializing Properties

There properties can be initialized in the begin() to build a specific waveform.

Example: Assign some properties of a wave at program startup:

#include <Plaquette.h>

TriangleWave wave;

void begin() {
  wave.frequency(2); // 2 Hz
  wave.width(0.9); // width 90%
  wave.phase(0.1); // dephased by 10% of period
  wave.amplitude(0.5); // 50% amplitude

void step() {
  println(wave); // Print wave value

Changing Properties During Runtime

Properties can also be changed in real-time in the step() function to create interactive or evolutive effects.

Example: Control the width of the waves using the potentiometer:

#include <Plaquette.h>

AnalogIn pot(A0); // Potentiometer input

SquareWave square(1.0);
TriangleWave triangle(1.0);
SineWave sine(1.0);

void begin() {}

void step() {
  // Assign new width value.
  // Print all wave values separated by spaces
  print(square); print(" ");
  print(triangle); print(" ");

Example: Control the period of the waves using the potentiometer. Necessitates remapping potentiometer value to appropriate ranges.

#include <Plaquette.h>

AnalogIn pot(A0); // Potentiometer input

SquareWave square(1.0);
TriangleWave triangle(1.0);
SineWave sine(1.0);

void begin() {}

void step() {
  // Read new period value.
  float newPeriod = pot.mapTo(0.5, 5); // Map to 0.5-5 seconds period
  // Assign new period value.
  // Print all wave values separated by spaces
  print(square); print(" ");
  print(triangle); print(" ");

Try using the potentiometer to control different wave properties and visualize the result using the Serial Plotter.

Accessors and Mutators

All properties in wave units have two variants:

  • A mutator variant allowing to change the value of the property. Example: wave.period(3.0);.

  • An accessor read-only variant that returns the current value of the property. Example: float x = wave.period();


This naming convention is a standard in Plaquette and you will find it in other units as well.

Example: Increase the wave’s period by one second each time the button is pressed:

#include <Plaquette.h>

DigitalIn button(2, INTERNAL_PULLUP); // Button input

TriangleWave wave(1.0); // Wave with initial 1 second period

void begin() {}

void step() {
  if (button.rose()) {
    wave.period( wave.period() + 1 ); // Set period to current period plus one
  println(wave); // Print wave value

Wave Addition

Adding waves together allows for the creation of complex and dynamic waveforms. By superimposing multiple signals, you can simulate natural phenomena, generate rhythmic patterns, or create rich textures for artistic applications. In Plaquette, wave addition is as simple as computing the average value of different waves.

One compelling example of wave addition is simulating a heartbeat. A heartbeat typically has two peaks: a stronger primary beat followed by a softer secondary beat. This can be achieved by adding two waves with different amplitudes and timings.

Example: Heartbeat simulation. This example uses two SineWave units: one for the primary beat one for the secondary beat. The bpm() function sets the frequency of the waves in beats per minute.

#include <Plaquette.h>

SineWave primary;   // Main heartbeat wave
SineWave secondary; // Secondary beat
AnalogOut led(9);   // LED for visualizing the heartbeat

void begin() {
  primary.bpm(80); // Set primary beat to 80 beats per minute
  secondary.bpm(2*primary.bpm()); // Set secondary beat to twice primary BPM
  secondary.amplitude(0.8); // Secondary beat is less strong

void step() {
  float heartBeat = (primary + secondary) / 2; // Combine and normalize waves
  led.put(heartBeat);  // Drive LED with combined signal
  println(heartBeat);  // Stream the combined wave for visualization

In this simulation, the primary sine wave provides the dominant rhythm, while the secondary sine wave introduces a softer, complementary pulse. The resulting waveform mimics the double-thump pattern of a human heartbeat.

Try experimenting with different wave types, amplitudes, and frequencies to see how the combined waveform changes. Try adding a third wave, making sure you divide the result by 3 intead of 2. Wave addition opens up endless possibilities for creating expressive and engaging outputs.


Modulation involves using one oscillator to influence the properties of another, creating rich and dynamic effects. For example, a slower wave (also called a Low-Frequency Oscillator (LFO)) can modulate the frequency, phase, period, amplitude, or width of a faster wave.

Example: Modulate the frequency of a sine wave with a triangle wave:

#include <Plaquette.h>

TriangleWave modulator(10.0); // LFO (10 seconds period)
SineWave sine;    // Main wave
AnalogOut led(9); // LED output

void begin() {}

void step() {
  sine.frequency(modulator.mapTo(1.0, 10.0)); // Modulate frequency between 1 and 10 Hz
  sine >> led; // Drive LED with modulated sine wave
  println(sine); // Stream the modulated wave

Adding Noise with randomFloat()

While oscillators are incredibly useful for generating regular and predictable waveforms, there are times when you may want to introduce randomness to add a sense of natural variation or lifelike behavior. Plaquette provides the randomFloat() function, which is a powerful tool for generating random values.


Avoid using Arduino’s random() function as it returns integer numbers instead of floating-point numbers.

The randomFloat() function can be used in several ways:

  • randomFloat() generates a random float between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • randomFloat(max) generates a random float between 0.0 and max.

  • randomFloat(min, max) generates a random float between min and max.

These random values can be used to add noise directly to a signal.

Example: Add noise to a sine wave.

#include <Plaquette.h>

SineWave wave(1.0); // Base waveform
AnalogOut led(9);   // LED output

void begin() {}

void step() {
  float noise = randomFloat(-0.1, 0.1); // Generate noise value in [-0.1, 0.1]
  float noisyWave = wave + noise; // Compute sine value + noise
  noisyWave >> led;   // Drive LED with noisy sine wave
  println(noisyWave); // Stream the noisy sine wave

These random values can also be used to modify properties such as amplitude, frequency, width, or phase.

Example: Update the wave’s period according to a random walk. The potentiometer controls the amount of noise.

#include <Plaquette.h>

AnalogIn pot(A0);   // Potentiometer input
SineWave wave(1.0); // Wave with initial period of 1 second
AnalogOut led(9);   // LED output

void begin() {}

void step() {
  float noise = randomFloat(-pot, pot); // Generate noise according to potentiometer value
  wave.period( wave.period() + noise ); // Add noise to period
  wave >> led;   // Drive LED with noisy sine wave
  println(wave); // Stream the sine wave

Example: Introduce randomness to the frequency of a triangle wave. Frequency updated on each push of the button.

#include <Plaquette.h>

DigitalIn button(2, INTERNAL_PULLUP); // Button input
TriangleWave wave; // Wave with default properties
AnalogOut led(9);  // LED output

void begin() {
  button.debounce(); // Debounce button
  wave.frequency(5.0); // Start at 5 Hz

void step() {
  if (button.rose()) {
    wave.frequency(randomFloat(4.0, 6.0)); // Random frequency between 4 and 6 Hz
  println(wave); // Stream the wave for visualization

Randomness can also be combined with modulation to create highly dynamic and expressive behaviors. Experiment with adding random noise to various properties and observe the effects using the Serial Plotter. Try to simulate a natural phenomena like a flickering flame or a lightning bolt.

Timing Functions

Oscillators offer various timing functions to control their behavior:

  • start(): Starts/restarts the oscillator.

  • stop(): Stops it and resets it.

  • pause(): Pauses the wave at its current point.

  • resume(): Resumes from the paused point.

  • togglePause(): Toggles between paused and running states.

  • isRunning(): Returns whether the oscillator is active.

  • setTime(): Sets the current phase of the oscillator based on absolute time (in seconds).

Example: Use the button to start and stop the wave:

#include <Plaquette.h>

DigitalIn button(2, INTERNAL_PULLUP); // Button input
SineWave sine;    // Wave with default properties
AnalogOut led(9); // LED output

void begin() {
  sine.frequency(2.0); // Initialize frequency to 2 Hz

void step() {
  if (button.rose()) {
    sine.togglePause(); // Pause or resume the wave
  sine >> led; // Drive LED with sine wave
  println(sine); // Stream the wave for visualization

Phase Shifting with shiftBy()

The shiftBy() function allows you to offset the phase of an oscillator relative to its current position and returns the value of the dephased wave. This is useful for creating complex, synchronized patterns.

Example: Shift the phase of a sine wave:

#include <Plaquette.h>

SineWave wave(5.0); // Sine wave with 5 seconds period

void begin() {}

void step() {
  // Print shifted values separated by white spaces.
  print(wave); print(" "); // 0% shift
  print(wave.shiftBy(0.25)); print(" "); // 25% shift
  print(wave.shiftBy(0.5)); print(" "); // 50% shift
  println(wave.shiftBy(0.75)); // 75% shift


Oscillators are powerful tools for creating dynamic, expressive systems. By combining their waveforms, timing functions, and phase-shifting capabilities, you can achieve intricate and synchronized behaviors. Modulation and randomness add another layer of complexity, enabling you to create engaging and responsive media systems. Explore these features in Plaquette and see how waves can bring your projects to life.